Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I Don't Feel I'm Part of This Country

Many people have told me that I should be proud to be American and proud to be born in such a rich country and blah blah blah, but the reality has been very different for me I feel that ever since Donald Trump has decided to run for president of the United States all of the White Supremacist and Hate groups have become part of the mainstream. I feel ashamed the way this country has turned and the way the American people have become everything is a racial and religious bias and if you are not Christian or Republican you are not a true American, its very disgusting and appalling I don't bother to debate people or reason anymore because its a waste of time and energy.

I don't trust people anymore like I use to everyone is fake, a liar, a fraud, nobody is your friend and people only care to use or benefit you one way or the other there is no such thing as loyalty. Christianity is a evil and demonic religion that has been used by the Republican Party to spew hatred, racism, xenophobia and the demonetization of Hispanics and Blacks and to promote White Supremacy, Male Supremacy, Christian Supremacy in America.

If I had the money to leave America and start over somewhere else I would leave and never come back but that is not the reality of life, I wish my life would have been different or I would have been born to better parents or been a little bit lighter in skin color maybe my life would have been happier and more stable. I hate America and the way America has treated me like an animal and outcast, same thing with the White People, The Christians, The Jews and the racist people in this country that are intolerant and backward. This is the reason why the whole world hates America not because we are the richest country on earth but how we treat our poor, our children, our oppressed, our most vulnerable citizens.

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