Friday, January 8, 2021

Spanish United: Statement of Principles

Spanish United 

Statement of Principles

1. Spanish United is a Non Political, Non Sectarian, Secular Organization. We are a 100% Hispanic run movement whose leadership adheres to the vision of S.U. whose sole purpose is the advancement of Hispanic People in the U.S. and Abroad. 

2. Spanish United members are to adhere to the values and rules of S.U. no S.U. member is to disrespect or put down another S.U. member for any reason we are all equals. Nobody is above anyone. 

3. No Spanish United members are to use drugs, alcohol, tobacco or use profanity we are to be an example to other S.U. members and to the Hispanic Community that we are an alternative to other organizations before us that has failed an entire generation and have lost many to gang violence, drugs and alcohol. 

4. Spanish United members must swear alliagnce to Spanish United and to the Hispanic Community. We cannot be part of other movements or organizations that go against our interests; I;e gangs, hate groups or anarchist groups it will not be tolerated. 

5. Spanish United is a peaceful organization that uses the law and due process to get our voices heard and we do that by writing and signing petitions, boycotting businesses, individuals that demonize Hispanic people and report employers and companies that exploit Hispanics. Violence of any kind will not be permitted, anyone that does will be banned and reported to law enforcement so don't even think about it.

6. Spanish United members are responsible in recruiting and training people in creating chapters in their respective areas, cities, states, countries etc and individual directors will be appointed to lead the chapters to help the community in food, housing, medicine, building pantries and providing services and resources. 

7. Spanish United also is to represent Hispanics in civil rights cases by advocating for social justice and referring attorneys to Hispanics if they can't afford one, we aren't allowed to give legal advice but we can be a referral to anyone that needs legal help. 

8. Spanish United is also to help Hispanics by uplighting one another and to give a hand when your brother or sister is in need. We are also to give counseling and if need be referred one to a mental health professional if their problem is severe for S.U. to resolve. 

9. Spanish United members are encouraged to eat clean and healthy diets and to take care of their bodies, in order to have a strong community we also have to be healthy physically and what we put in our bodies should be to nourish us not damage us from the inside. If people want to lead healthy productive lives you know where to go for help in eating right. 

10. Spanish United is an inclusive group we have people of all races, colors, creeds, economic status etc. There is not to be any emphasis on race, Euro Latino, Afro Latino, Indigenous Latino, Asian Latino etc we represent the united nations as one people. One Culture, One Language, One Identity. Do not elevate one Nationality or Race over another we are about unity not division.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Latin America & Eastern Europe


What can Latin America learn from Eastern Europe?

Eastern Europe; when people think of Eastern Europe images of the Soviet Union's satellite nations after WW2, Communist Bloc, Iron Curtain etc. But what Eastern Europe comes to mind is industrialisation, compulsory education and vocational training for it's people. Regardless of what part of the political spectrum you are one thing for certain is Eastern Europe and Eastern Europeans are far more educated than Latin Americans and they have an advantage because they are educated or have skilled labor. 

Latin Americans need to study different models for development and see how they can implement it to it's people because compared to other regions of the world Latin America still lags behind second only to Sub-Saharan Africa. Eastern Europe is what's also called the Second World which is between First and Third World and there is a lot to be learned from Eastern Europe. Latin Americans can look at the system and see their strength and weaknesses and correct past mistakes and follow in areas where they have succeed Latin America can reach the same level of education, skills and development as Eastern Europe but it won't happen overnight it takes discipline, dedication and most of all ambition to become developed and industrialized. 

The failures of the American system and the cronyism of the Elitists in Latin America has created more income Inequality and no improvements in living standards, wages or education and it's hurting the people more than anything it's a trend that Latin America cannot continue because it will lead to instability and social unrest and that can lead to either Communism or Fascism. 

The only way Hispanics can be self-sufficient and self-reliant is through financial independence and through education and vocational training in order to get the skills they need to compete in the job market and to tap into the economic grid that's our way to having a better future for our people.