Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Trump Acquitted of All Impeachment Charges

Trumpism Has Triumph

I am dumbfounded and shocked but at the same time not surprised that Trump was acquitted of all charges, the Republicans are very desperate to keep him in power because for one they currently control the Senate and number two they need him to pass a lot of bills that only the President can sign to make it into law. 

The trial was a farce because no witnesses were called to testify and the judge refused to listen and hear evidence of many violations that Trump did such as abuse of power, corruption, bribery, obstruction of justice and acting as an agent to a foreign government i;e Russia, Putin etc. American Democracy lost and it was Russia not the people of the United States that acquitted Mr. Trump of all charges. 

We are already have come a "Flawed" democracy and Trump has merged the union between Corporation and State and our country has embraced Fascism and cult of personality that the Republicans, Evangelicals and White Nationalists have created around Trump. We are almost a dictatorship and political opponents are being attacked as enemies of the people and of the state.

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