Monday, April 13, 2020

American Right Wing Conservatives Destroying Our Democracy

United States Leads Towards Despotism

The erosion of American Democracy, since the election of Donald Trump I've seen many changes in our government and the union between corporation and state. Fascism has been embraced and racism has become tolerated and accepted as patriotic. When a society leads towards despotism respect towards the individual decreases. 

American Right Wing Conservatives have conditioned the masses that rich liberals own everything, the mass media and the wealth in the country and everything that the American People have worked hard for will be given away to illegal immigrants. 

When Americans quality of life goes down, wages go down they blame others and right now Hispanics are being blamed for the decline of the standard of living and the unemployment. Trump has united the American People against Hispanics, Muslims, Liberals, Gays, Jews etc that they are cause of the country's problems. 

Slowly our institutions are breaking apart in favor of Fascism and Corporatism and no matter what Trump or the Far Right says they don't believe in civil rights or civil liberties, they don't want protections for minorities or for workers they only answer to the Corporations. 

Our constitution speaks against the establishment of corporations why are they allowed? Why are corporations influencing our government, laws, education and health care? Why is it that no candidate or politician speaks against the evil of corporations? Because Fascism controls our current system and any criticism is seen as unpatriotic and Un-American. Its a real problem where criticism of despotism is seen as unpatriotic. That shows how Americans have unconsciously embraced Fascism without realizing and that's dangerous to our country and our democracy.

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