Tuesday, August 11, 2020

COVID-19 Has Proven We Aren't Invisible

We Are Not Invisible 

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown to us nobody is invisible not even the government or the Ultra Rich. People are realizing that voting Republican and Conservative hasn't worked and they have hurt their own people that vote against their own interests. The Republican Party doesn't care about the poor, the mentally or people that are risk, they are against a social safety net and protecting workers and giving people a living wage so they don't have to work 3 jobs just to get by and cover their basic necessities. Americans need to realize they have been shooting themselves in the foot and hurting themselves by believing in myths such as American Exceptionalism, Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny what did that get us? Nowhere except hatred of the world and creating more enemies and letting it's population starve. 

We need to abolish the two party system and create a multi-party system and invest in social services, infrastructure, education, health and to address the opiate crisis and mental illness crisis that we have because nobody is doing it and its affecting our economy, families and society as a whole. Enough of the politics we need change, transparency and accountability and to punish the billionaires and get them out of politics permanently and to tax the churches and to protect the environment.

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