Sunday, December 20, 2020

Libertarianism and Psychopathy

Libertarianism and Psychopathy; The common denominator. 

In a capitalist society or system people are pressured to make money and consume everything there is to comform to society's standard of happiness and satisfaction. Where does Libertarianism fit in this instance? For example Libertarianism gives the illusion of self reliance and being non-interventionist; I;e small government, deregulation, demantling government and abolishing taxes, this may seem like a wonderful concept but in reality it's extremely dangerous. Libertarianism lacks empathy, compassion, morals, ethical values and reinforces greed. Libertarians believe that everything should be decriminalized, they believe the age of consent should be abolished, they believe there shouldn't be civil rights laws, they don't believe in protecting the environment, workers, children, people etc, it's very selfish, self-centered, arrogant, conceited and it's unsustainable. 

Criminals, Murderers, Pedophiles, Drug Cartels and people with mental Illness and personality disorders are attracted to Libertarianism because it exempts them from accountability and personal responsibility believing they are their own god whom they can make their own rules without any consequences for their actions prime examples are John McAfee, Jeffery Epstein, Donald Trump, Ghalisine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, Koch Brothers to name a few. 

As imperfect as government is you need some form of regulation and rules in order to prevent anarchy and crony capitalism like we have today in many parts of America and other parts of the world. Libertarianism shares similarities between Conservative and Liberal ideals except that Libertarians don't care about social issues and they believe in maximizing their profits by any means no matter how unethical or immoral it may be. Most Libertarians I've met in my lifetime seem to share many mental Illnesses, personality disorders, grandiosity complex, complete disregard for others and wanting to be their own god or having authoritarian leanings. That's why I tend to shun or not associate with Libertarians because many not all share many characteristics of psychopath/sociopaths.

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