Sunday, December 29, 2019

Antisemitism: On The Rise and How To Combat It

Antisemitism: On The Rise, How Do We Address It? 

This week's attack on at a Hannukah Celebration in New York by a man wielding a machete is raising questions about attacks on Jews everywhere. 

The Jewish Community wants to label everything as Antisemitism and there is pressure on behalf of the local authorities to prosecute people that attack Jews at their homes, synagogues and cultural centers etc. 

Unfortunately when these things happened to Jews and to the community the Jewish Community gets paranoid and they start to behave in very negative ways towards people that have done nothing to them and it causes a backlash and more hatred and resentment. One thing is to be cautious another thing is to judge everyone as an Antisemite especially when others haven't given any reason to. 

If Jews want to command respect from the Nations and Gentiles they have to earn it not force it on people or use their political clout to make politicians and authorities to make people respect them because history has shown us time and time again when Jews get away from God, Torah and Halacha it causes the Nations to be provoked in anger and this is the end result innocent people getting killed or harmed. 

Jews are to be a beacon of light unto the world and you show that example by being holy, having Emumah, Chesed, doing Tdezaka, loving the Gentiles, not exploiting them and most importantly treating others with respect and dignity because all human beings when treated with kindness and compassion 90% of the time they will respond in kind.

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