Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Republican Party: Self-destructing Through Corruption and Ties to Russia

Domino Effect and Then Comes The Rest

George Papadopoulos, the Trump Campaign Staffer in Trump's Presidential Campaign in 2016 was just busted and arrested on charges of  lying to the FBI and meeting with prominent Russian Officials in Trump Tower to discuss on the "Dirt" on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Emails. 

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates have been working with the Russians in getting Donald Trump elected to the presidency and Russia having a hand in rigging the election in 2016. All of these people have ties to the oligarchs in Moscow and to the Kremlin. 

I believe there is going to be a domino effect the Trump Administration has been full of corruption scandals, officials being fired and removed from office and people getting arrested and indited on fraud, corruption and rigging of the election. 

These people from the Trump Campaign and Trump's advisers from Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, etc all of these people should be sent to prison for treason and acting as agents to a foreign government and working on the behalf of the special interests of a foreign government. 

People don't want admit or realize that we are under the Russian Sphere of influence and Trump is pandering to Putin and selling bonds and discussing sensitive secrets with Putin. Trump is basically Putin's puppet in Washington and the Republican Party is in bed with the Kremlin and absolutely nobody from the Social Conservatives to Fox News is saying anything about it? Why do you ask because they are on Trump's payroll through Putin in Moscow. 

It's a very scary thought for many Americans to believe that another country could rig our elections and compromise our institutions and democracy for profit and political favors in exchange for the follow of capital.  I have a feeling that the Trump Administration is getting weaker and more fragile and the Republican Party is divided and fighting among themselves and the Trump Bomb will explode pretty soon. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Puerto Rico debería ser en parte de España una vez más

Puerto Rico es territorio español ocupado

Hay un partido político en Puerto Rico que se llama movimiento de reunificación de Puerto Rico con España o (MRE) fue fundado en 2014 por José Nieves Seise, quien defiende el estatus de Puerto Rico para convertirse en territorio extranjero de España.

Puerto Rico ha sido una posesión de los Estados Unidos desde 1898 y los puertorriqueños recibieron la ciudadanía estadounidense en 1917 y los puertorriqueños han estado en todas las guerras desde la Primera Guerra Mundial. El estado actual de Puerto Rico no ha funcionado y los puertorriqueños no lo hacen incluso tiene los derechos de comerciar y hacer negocios con otros países y territorios sin la aprobación de Washingston.

El reciente huracán en Puerto Rico causado por el huracán María y la incompetencia de las acciones del presidente Donald Trump hacia Puerto Rico ha hecho que mucha gente en el interior reconsidere su relación con Washington.

A muchas personas en Puerto Rico les gustaría dejar la relación política con los Estados Unidos y reunirse con España, que la mayoría de los puertorriqueños considera como la madre patria.

Si Puerto Rico logra unificarse con España, habría cambios que serían benéficos para la isla. Puerto Rico tendría acceso a los mercados mundiales y tendría libertad para comerciar y establecer relaciones con otros países sin tener que pasar por el gobierno central.

Puerto Rico adoptaría el euro como su moneda oficial y reemplazaría el dólar estadounidense como su moneda de curso legal y los puertorriqueños tendrían que haber adquirido la ciudadanía española y el pasaporte español. Y Puerto Rico se convertiría en la decimoctava comunidad autónoma de España que sería igual a España y tendría el mismo estatus autonomista que las islas Canarias y Baleares en el Mediterráneo y los enclaves españoles de Ceuta y Melilia en el norte de África.

Puerto Rico necesita romper la unión y la relación con los Estados Unidos y mirar hacia España porque Puerto Rico no tiene futuro con los Estados Unidos y nunca tendrán su autodeterminación mientras sean una colonia de Washington.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Saudi Arabia is a Terrorist State and a Financier of World Terrorism

The World's #1 Financier of Terrorism Around The World. 

People think of Saudi Arabia as a ally of the United States because Saudi Arabia sells most of its oil to the United States and the United States has US soldiers stationed on its soil since the founding of the country in 1932. Saudi Arabia produces most the world's oil more than any other country in the world and its vital for industrial world to continue be in good standing with the Saudis even through Saudi Arabia does not share the values of Human Rights, Democracy and Women's rights. 

Saudi Arabia is a country that is modern with its standard of living and modern cities and roads and luxury shopping but at the same time very traditional and conservative when it comes to religion and the way its citizens should behave and act even in their private homes. The Religious Police enforces strict observance of Islamic Law and people that violate the rules are dealt with ruthlessly, from lashes to amputation of limbs for theft and be-headings for more serious crimes. 

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the Muslim World and the Middle East where women cannot drive or leave the home without their husband or male relative and where there is no freedom of religion for people of other religions other than Islam. While the Royal Family imposes strict strict rules on its people the rules don't apply to the Royal Family and their cronies, where they lavish themselves in drinking, smoking, parties and orgies while most of the population resents the autocratic rule of the Royals. 

The Wahabbis which is a small but fanatical sect of Islam which controls Saudi Arabia funds terrorist groups and training camps in other parts of the middle east and around the world preaching their fanatical and extremist view of Islam and they were responsible for the tragedy of September 11 in the World Trader Center. 16 of the 19 Hijackers were Saudis and Saudi Money founded Al-Qaida and Saudi Money has bribed Washington in looking the other way when it comes to its own human rights record. Saudi Arabia is the #1 Human Rights violator in the world and America never criticizes Riyadh because of fear of losing its oil supply and losing money that the Saudis have invested in the economy of the United States which number in the billions. 

The rest of the Muslim and Arab World resents Saudi Arabia and most Muslims don't believe that Saudi Arabia is painting a proper picture of Islam and that the Saudi Royal is making Muslims look bad to the world and many Muslims look at the House of Saud as fake Muslims whom worship money than worshiping God and most of the Saudi people want the Monarchy out and they blame the United States Government for keeping them in power and many frustrated Saudis get lured in by Islamist Groups and they go overseas in Jihad around the world. 

In order for Saudi Arabia to survive and be part of the world and be responsible they need to amke reforms and stop funding and training Terrorist groups and organizations in the Middle East and other parts of the world because eventually it will come back to bite them in the rear end as they say what goes around comes around.      

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Criticism of Israel isn't Antisemitism

The State of Israel: The Middle East's Only Democracy or a Fascist/Apartheid State?

Israel was established in 1948 after World War II as a Jewish State for world Jewry, after the Holocaust and the collapse of Nazism in Europe the Jews of Europe knew their future was having their own state and the Jewish people with the help of the British agreed to partition Palestine into a Jewish state and a Arab state which became the State of Israel and the remainder became what is now Jordan.

People don't realize that Israel isn't a Democracy but a semi-religious state with religious matters controlled by the Rabbinate and the government is controlled by the Zionists, i:e Secularists. Even through Israel allows the Arab and Christian minorities autonomy and their own auspices for their own communities a lot of Israel's polices are similar to a Fascist/Religious state. 

What most people don't know is that Israel's government and foundations are communist in nature but Israel doesn't want to call itself communist because they don't want to alienate the United States, which is Israel's primary ally and supplier of most of its arms and weapons. Theodore Herzl who is the founder of modern Zionism as a political movement was communist in nature and in theory. David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister was communist and Chaim Weizmann Israel's first president was also communist. 

The state of Israel has the right to exist and Israel should always have its doors open to welcome Jews from all over the world fleeing persecution, however Israel cannot continue to violate the rights of the Palestinians and deny them full rights as Jewish Israelis and most take responsibility for when they do their own human rights violations against its own people, i;e Sephardi, Mizrachi and Ethiopian Jews and refusing to recognize Non-Orthodox streams of Judaism, i:e Conservative, Reform etc as part of Judaism and allowing the Rabbinate complete monopoly over marriages, conversions and burials. 

I am Jewish and I use to be Orthodox myself for last few years I still consider myself to be moderately observant and I believe in G-d, the Torah, The Mitzvot and the coming of the Mosiach, i:e Messiah but I am not a Zionist. I believe that Jews need to share the land with their Arab and Non-Jewish neighbors and they need to follow the Torah and rectify the wrongs they have done and make Israel a truly democratic state where Human Rights are respected, Universal values are honored and continuing on the path of peace.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Feminism is Evil: Fourth-wave Feminism is Hurting Women

Feminism is Destroying Women and Men 

Feminism originally was a good thing when it first started out back in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Women have no political or civil rights, women's weren't' allowed to vote or run for public office and in many cases they were property of the husband and the wife had no say in decisions or economic matters. 

Little by little women achieved the right to vote in the 1920s in the United States and in order parts of the world and women gradually were being integrated into civil society and the work force and many were pursuing careers as doctors, engineers, bankers, teachers etc. Which most people didn't have an issue with this was called First-wave Feminism. 

Second-eave Feminism came in the 1960s when women were demanding equal pay for the same kind of work that men did and many were successful in getting equal pay and against wrongful termination based on gender and many women were able to hold positions of power like CEO of a company or management. 

Third-wave Feminism started to get more radical and extreme with promoting the hatred of men and the male gender and demonizing all men as oppressors, abusers, rapists and violent. Valerie Solanges who was a radical feminist who wrote the SCUM Manifesto, which advocated women in overthrowing the government, eliminating the money system and eliminating and destroying the male sex and men in general. Valerie Solanges was in the minority in extreme views of destroying the male gender but she is idolized and venerated among radical feminism circles. 

Fourth-wave Feminism is the most extreme and dangerous because it has gotten into the legal system where women get away with a lot of crimes and acts of violence because it conditions people that only men or capable of hurting people or stalking or sexually abusing men or children, in many instances when a woman commits the same crime as a man for the most part Feminists and Lesbian advocate groups try to put pressure on the Judge or the judicial system not to punish the woman claiming that she is a possible victim of rape and incest and they are not in the same way as men are whom are violent because its part of their biological nature and in many cases women get a reduced sentence or the case gets thrown out of court. 

Men today don't pursue or court women as they use to in the past for fear of being falsely accused of rape, sexual harassment or rape. In cases where the man has been the victim or Domestic Violence and Rape by the woman the police either refuse or unwillingly to help because the man is seen as the stronger sex and many men don't report these crimes committed by women. 

Women have been brainwashed for decades that men and women are equal and women shouldn't be in the kitchen cooking or serving the man that has gotten to the point that men don't want relationships with women or to get married because the woman will refuse to do her job her "Traditional Role" as homemaker and mother and wife to the husband. When the woman refuses to have sex with her husband when he wants to it causes the man to look for sex outside of marriage and the same with the woman when she goes out and has extramarital affairs. 

The Western Woman has brought the decline of Western World because of her refusal of getting married and having a family and putting her career before the family and the birthrate will continue to decline and get worse if things don't change. In order for any society or tribe or people to flourish and continue roles of society assigned at birth need to stay the way they are. 

My conclusion is that Forth-wave Feminism has destroyed women because it has made them into men, they have lost their identity and their role on what it means to be a woman and men have become hateful towards women because of their Misandry against men and the vile poison many feminists which many are Lesbians themselves and they spew their misandristic rhetoric to many impressionable women. I believe that women can be part of our society and be part of the workforce and have families but they mustn't believe or allow themselves to be fed that all men are evil and all men are there to hurt women. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kurdistan: A Historical Province Not A Nation

Kurdistan: A Stateless People and Struggling To Find Their Identity.

Like in Catalonia, Kurdistan held its own referendum in Iraq and  voted to become independent from Iraq and become their own nation, like Catalonia Kurdistan has historically been part of Iraq since Iraq's founding as a nation in 1922. Under Saddam Hussein the Kurds were kept under control from succeeding from Iraq and Kurds have been known to commit acts of Terrorism in Iraq and Turkey where the latter forms about 20% of the population. 

The Kurds are a Indo-European people their language and culture is different from Arabic and they practice a very tolerant form of Islam and have been fighting for their own homeland for many decades. With the fall of Saddam Hussein Kurdish Nationalism has been on the rise not just in Iraq but in Turkey as well where the PKK or The Kurdistan's Workers Party has been labeled by Turkey and the United States and the European Union as a Terrorist Organization. 

There should be a comprise with the Kurds but there shouldn't be a independent Kurdish State in the Middle East because it will add to more instability in a already unstable part of the world. I understand one wanting to maintain their culture and identity but there other ways of doing it not through violence and terrorism it doesn't resolve anything but makes matters worse. 

The Kurds in my opinion are ill equipped and don't have a strong centralized government in order to have a functioning infrastructure and they need to first work with autonomy first within Iraq and Turkey in order to have more autonomy over their internal affairs.  

Catolina: A restless and rebellious region

Separatist Desires Add Full To The Fire

For the first time in Spain's history where the region of Catatonia held a referendum and the people voted for independence from Spain and Spain immediately issued a crackdown on separatists in the Provence. Spain for many years has dealt with Nationalist dissent for many decades primarily from Basque Separatists and ETA was mainly the biggest threat to Spanish national security. 

Spain along with Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been hit the hardest by the European Union's financial crisis and Spain has been in a recession for a couple of years causing young people to emigrate to other parts of the EU mainly Germany and the United Kingdom. 

The crisis in Spain is very worrisome to other EU leaders and countries because there could be instability in Western Europe and can cause Spain to fall apart and other EU countries with separatist leanings to follow suit i;e Waloons and Flemish in the Netherlands, Welsh, Scots and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom etc. 

Europe has had peace and stability for more than 60 years after the end of the Second World War and the countries of Western Europe have been the most peaceful thanks to the Marshall Plan which helped to reconstruct and rebuild Europe and the creation of the European Union has contributed to the Economic Prosperity on the Continent. 

Separatism isn't the answer it will only bring division and political and economic instability and all the blood and tears that Europe has worked so hard to maintain will be for nothing. There needs to be diplomatic dialogue and exchanges between Spanish and Catatonian Leaders in order to resolve this dispute and bring an end to this crisis in Spain.   

Puerto Rico: Humanitarian Crisis and The Future of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico: The Aftermath 

Hurricane Maria has been the worst tropical storm to hit the island in over 80 years and the effects have been nothing but catastrophic. The hurricane was a Category 5, and it nearly destroyed the island, Puerto Rico's power grid has been destroyed and the infrastructure has been destroyed and 80% of residents are without electricity.

The Trump administration has been very slow in responding to the crisis and the Mayor of San Juan was the only one that took matters into her own hands by going into affected areas with rescue teams to get people out of their where there trapped by the flooding and roadblocks and the world has seen firsthand how Puerto Rico has been treated by the United States Government. 

Puerto Rico has been a colony of the United States ever since they invaded the island and forcibly took Puerto Rico from Spain after the end of the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans were made into US citizens without their say and Puerto Ricans have been in every major war since World War I and Puerto Ricans pay taxes and have served in the Military and Navy and yet Puerto Ricans are seen and treated like foreigners and second class citizens. 

Puerto Rico is $74 million dollars in debt and with the hurricane which caused $30 billion in damages added to the already $74 billion putting the debt in the Trillions. Puerto Rico is going to need to go through a economic and political transformation in order to full rebuild and reconstruct itself. And the Trump Administration has done nothing but demonize and put down the Puerto Rican people because of the debt and economic problems on the island. 

Puerto Rico is on the verge of starvation and a major humanitarian crisis and the Trump Administration needs to put its politics and red-tape aside and focus on what is most important: Saving Lives and getting the aid to where it needs to be period. Puerto Rico needs all the help it can get from anywhere and anyone period.       

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Wall: Will It Resolve The Issue of Illegal Immigration or Lead to Civil War in Mexico

The Trump Wall 

Its official that President-Elect Donald Trump will keep his promise of building the wall along the US-Mexican Border and it will cause billions to make and President Trump has said that Mexico will pay for the construction of the wall to keep illegal immigrants and drugs out of America, but will it be effective? or will bring more problems? 

The United States has been fed up with the flow of illegal immigration from Mexico and the Mexican government's refusal to curb the tide of people sneaking into the United States has prompted President-Elect Trump approve the construction of the wall and many people in the United both worry both Liberals and Conservatives what the consequences can come from sealing the border shut completely. 

Mexico is the only country in Latin America that hasn't had a people's revolution since 1911 when Dictator  Porfirio Díaz was ousted and exiled to France. Mexico is one of the most corrupted countries in the world where millions of people survive on less than $2 a dollar while being very rich in natural resources and the small White minority that rules with a iron fist over a majority Mestizo nation. 

The Mexican government has always had the borders open to dump its poor and its people on the other side of the border because it helps to keep the people from rising up because they always have somewhere to go and if Trump is successful in building the wall and completely shutting the flow people out of the country and the people don't have no where else to go and cause Mexico to become unstable and can lead to civil war in Mexico and that is what the Mexican government doesn't want is a people's revolution where they know that will lose. 

The Trump can lead to both economic disasters on both sides of the borders and could lead to diplomatic relations being broken off, the prices of food and basic commodities going up and more hostilities towards Mexican-Americans and more Anti-Hispanic sentiment than there already is. 

If Mexico were to collapse and become a failed state it will create a humanitarian crisis and a economic disaster that will take decades to recover, however if Mexico were to make reforms like in China, Eastern Europe, Russia and Former Soviet Union and Vietnam there would be more stability and more opportunities for its citizens there wouldn't be this mess in Mexico. But time will tell and we will see what happens.

Elderly People in The USA: An Aging society and country.

Taking care of the Elderly, A major social problem. 

America has a lot of social issues that it addresses: Drug Addict, Disenfranchised Youth, Poverty, Illegal Immigration, Jobs, Crime etc. but no one seems to mention about the Elderly? 

The Baby Boomers born during and after World War II are the generation that has lived through the golden age of America where jobs where created and everyone had work and they had more options and choices than ever before but today they are seen as a burden because for one they are living longer and they are increasing in population they represent 14.5% of the US population and will increase to 98 million people by the year 2060. 

The cost of nursing homes and health care services are going up every year and so is the cost of prescription drugs and many senior citizens are left alone causing them to commit suicide or ending homeless simply because they don't have anyone to look after them in their old age because their children need to work and make a living and many seniors that are in poverty cannot even cover their basic expenses and many have to work in their old age which many can't even live in dignity while retired. 

Our government and our society needs to address the growing population of elderly people and must do something to make costs of health care services and retirement homes to be low or affordable because its placing a burden on the next generation of workers that are fitting the bill and many themselves worry if they will have enough to retire in dignity and with a living pension that will cover all their basic necessities and not be at the mercy of the government or others. 

Processed Foods: What We Eat is Destorying Us

Process Foods: Affordable Meals or a Deadly Killer?

We have heard the saying we are what we eat its not any closer from the truth. People are so busy working and making a living that many people choose something that is cheap over something that is healthy simply because its more expensive. Many people don't know that the reason behind why processed foods are much cheaper than organic and Non-GMO foods is because the government heavily subsidizes foods that are not healthy over foods that are healthy. 

America has no restrictions when it comes to additives and preservatives being put in our foods and its these additives and preservatives that are causing people to get sick and many get cancer because of the chemicals that are being put into our food supply and unfortunately people are so focused surviving and to make something quick they are jeopardizing their family's health and their own health. 

It really bothers me how the government allows companies to put so many preservatives into our food and not warn us about the health issues it can cause to people. For example Europe and Canada and most of the world if you read the ingredients they don't have the additives as we do here. For example Coke in Mexico is made with cane sugar not with high fructose or high corn syrup and chocolate from Sweden doesn't have emulsifiers or alkali as in American chocolate. 

The people need to read and be careful what they consume and eat because in the long run it will save you from getting sick and getting cancer in the future and we have to make wise choices and read the labels in what we will eat.

Imperialism in the 21st Century: America, China, Russia, Iran

The New Clash of Civilizations: Neo-Imperialism of the 21 Century

The last century was the last century of Empires and Colonial rule that the great powers had over the world and many of the great powers became socialist and gave Independence to their overseas colonies and many of those countries became part of the European Union and the Soviet Union ceased to exist and broke up into 15 independent countries; The Baltic Republics, Central Asia and The Caucasus Region. 

America was the only world power left in the world after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the only country left unchallenged for more than a decade until September 11, 2001 and that created a power vacuum and the United States was at war with Radical Islam and Al-Qaida and it caused Russia, China and Iran to start with their own form of imperialism in their own right and competing for influence and hegemony  around the world and in within their political borders. 

China: The Dragon of the East

The Chinese Empire is one of the oldest civilizations in the world and it was at one point one of the most advanced in the ancient world. Chinese culture, government, ethics, religion and language spread to East Asia particularly influencing Japan and Korea. China was the dominant power for more than 2,000 years and many countries had to pay tribute to the Chinese Emperor and be under the sphere of influence and the Chinese Empire remained unchallenged until the arrival of the Europeans who were interested in trade with the Chinese Emperor. 

The Chinese saw the Europeans particularly the British with suspicion and they closed all trade with the Europeans and that led to war with the British over Opium and losing the port of Hong Kong to Britian. Little by little the great powers were taking over territories and demanding that China open its ports for settlement and trade causing the Chinese lose power and becoming weaken. 

There was interval strife within the country with traditionalists wanting to stay the same with no reforms and with reformers that wanted to modernize and westernize the country. The failed revolution of the Boxer Rebellion eventually led to the eventual overthrow of the Qing Dynasty, following the Chinese Civil War and the Communist victory and the gradual liberalization and opening the country for economic and political reform. 

The Chinese economy is the number one economy in the world after the United States and Japan and their currency the Yuan is the fifth most trade currency in the world and now the Chinese want to exercise their influence not only in trade but also in military and political might within its borders and they want to spread their own form of imperialism and influence in East Asia and the world and they are the world's largest military in the world per capita. 

Russia: The Bear of Europe 

 Russia has been a country and a people that have been always proud and unpredictable in the way they behave and the way they are towards smaller countries and the surrounding countries it borders. Russia started as a small city state of Kievan Rus and adopting Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire and gradually over time expanding its territory from Moscow to Europe, The Caucasus Region, Central Asia and all the way to the Far East and parts of North America. 

For centuries Russia was ruled by Czars that ruled as autocratic rulers over millions of peasants and was more concerned in extending its influence in Europe and the many parts of the world where their borders touched. Russia saw itself as a protecting power of the Orthodox Christians that lived in the Balkans and always had clashes with the Ottoman Empire over the treatment and occupation of Christian lands by Muslims. 

Russia's entry into World War I bought the collapse of the Russian Empire and the Monarchy and the Czar was deposed and Russia became the world's first communist state in the world and became the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was the other superpower that was a challenge to the United States after the second world war and a threat to world peace and security because of the Soviets exporting of armed revolution throughout the world and the instability in the Soviet Union and the communist bloc. 

When the Soviet Union disintegrated and ceased to exist and broke up into 15 independent countries there was a period of civil and economic chaos in Russia and the country had to deal with the high unemployment and political corruption with the privatization of the economic sector and moving away from a planned economy to a market economy. 

Russia today under Vladmir Putin wants to resurrect the Russian Empire and wants to bring back Russians their glory and power that they once had under the Soviet Union but with a different approach using state sponsored fascism and the Russian Orthodox as the symbol of Russian Identity and pride and they want to go back into a imperialist power with the former Soviet Republics and with continental Europe at its door step with the control of natural gas and oil.  

Iran: Persepolis Wants to Create a True Persian Gulf 

Iran or Persia as it was once known back in ancient times was a world power that was a united power along with the ancient Medes and they overthrew and conquered the Babylon Empire and were very tolerant towards other religions and minorities in the countries they occupied. The Persians were eventually overthrown by the Greek Empire and the Persian empire came to an end. 
During the advent of Islam invading Arab armies conquered most of the near east and Islamized the native populations they took over and Iran was conquered by the Arabs and they forcibly converted to Islam but they were able to maintain their Persian culture and language and not fully assimilating into Arab culture. After the schism between Sunni and Shia Islam, Shiites became dominant in Iran and have been the majority of the population since.

For most of their history Persians have been able to maintain complete Independence not only from the Arabs but also from European colonialism and the Ottoman Empire and during the 19th and early 20th centuries Persian Independence was recognized by Britain and Russia and Persia appointed a new Shah (King) that took steps to modernize and westernize the country and the name was changed to Iran. 

After the 1979 Islamic Revolution that deposed the pro-western government, Iran became a theocracy and established a regime that wants to control national life though oppression and enforcing strict Islamic law as interpreted by the Mullahs. Iran is a regional power in the Middle East that can challenge US and Israeli dominance in the region and because of different denomination of Islam the Arabs fear of Persian influence and power in regional affairs and Persian ambitions to make the Persian Gulf a truly Persian Gulf controlled by Persians not Arabs. 

America: A Declining Power and a Divided Nation

For the last 100 years the United States of America was the world's largest democracy and the world's only true superpower after the second world war and the fall of the Soviet Union and the fall of Communism. America became a independent nation through armed revolution and its opposition to being taxed and controlled by the British crown. 

The country formed from its humble beginnings of 13 original colonies to becoming the country it is today, the country expanded west by purchasing land from the French and taking over tribal lands from the Native Indians through wars and forceful take overs and unfair treaties. The importation of African Slaves and the civil war that broke between the North and South further caused more polarization of the country through race and religion and culture. 

The 20th century proved to be a time to show that America can complete with the European Colonial powers by newly acquiring the remnants of the declining Spanish Empire, sending its soldiers throughout the region and securing its hegemony and having the other nations under its sphere of influence. 

With American power and interests focused abroad in fighting the spread of communism within its borders the country was decaying and bleeding, the civil rights and nationalist movements among African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Women put America against itself and against its people. The US government has been more focus on being a superpower than to look after its people and that is causing for militia and far-right and right-wing groups to grow and people are separating themselves by race and by region and many people don't realize that each state is like its own autonomous entity with its own culture and politics. 

In order for the United States to save itself from economic and political collapse like Soviet Union, the country needs to reexamine itself and make reforms and fix the infrastructure and the system which has been abandoned for decades and to make amends and reparations to its minorities and deal with its racist past and put an end to fascism segments within the government and in many parts of the country and to combat home grown and domestic terrorists and to make sure everyone has access to opportunities or else there will be civil war and it will be the last.  

Racial Hatred And Police Brutilaty

Racial Hatred and Out of Control Police: Where does it stop?

A few days ago in the city of Anaheim, California a group of kids were walking home from school and one of them a girl was walking on the lawn of someone's property and the owner of the house came out and used a expletive towards the young girl and one of the boys came to her defense and told her not to disrespect her like that and the man grabbed the boy and the there was a altercation and the man pulled out a gun and fired on the ground luckily the nobody got hurt.

I know that there are kids that do and say things they shouldn't but from what I saw in the video the cop was in the wrong. He didn't say he was a police officer and he didn't show his badge and he didn't have to fire his gun at the kids. They were not immediate threat to his person and it could have been handled differently.

And when the police came instead of the man being arrested the boy was taken into custody and the other kids were arrested as well. But this has to stop we are becoming a nation were the rule of law no longer exists and people resorting to the law of the gun to resolve disputes and in many cases it becomes lethal.

What most people don't understand is when someone is not dressed in uniform people assume they were civilians and will not believe them unless they show some form of identification which the officer failed to do and its a natural reaction to want to get away from someone that is trying to take you away to God knows where.

What is more disturbing is the fact that many people are in defense of the cop saying he was justified and many people were even saying that the boy got what he deserved and in some cases many others have said he should have been shot like an animal. It was very hateful and ugly the rhetoric and hatred towards a child regardless what he said or did the boy was a minor and the adult should have known better and used better judgement.