Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Catolina: A restless and rebellious region

Separatist Desires Add Full To The Fire

For the first time in Spain's history where the region of Catatonia held a referendum and the people voted for independence from Spain and Spain immediately issued a crackdown on separatists in the Provence. Spain for many years has dealt with Nationalist dissent for many decades primarily from Basque Separatists and ETA was mainly the biggest threat to Spanish national security. 

Spain along with Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been hit the hardest by the European Union's financial crisis and Spain has been in a recession for a couple of years causing young people to emigrate to other parts of the EU mainly Germany and the United Kingdom. 

The crisis in Spain is very worrisome to other EU leaders and countries because there could be instability in Western Europe and can cause Spain to fall apart and other EU countries with separatist leanings to follow suit i;e Waloons and Flemish in the Netherlands, Welsh, Scots and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom etc. 

Europe has had peace and stability for more than 60 years after the end of the Second World War and the countries of Western Europe have been the most peaceful thanks to the Marshall Plan which helped to reconstruct and rebuild Europe and the creation of the European Union has contributed to the Economic Prosperity on the Continent. 

Separatism isn't the answer it will only bring division and political and economic instability and all the blood and tears that Europe has worked so hard to maintain will be for nothing. There needs to be diplomatic dialogue and exchanges between Spanish and Catatonian Leaders in order to resolve this dispute and bring an end to this crisis in Spain.   

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