Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Donald Trump and Alt-Right Movement

The Alt-Right Movement and the Fourth Reich

I have been around for only 33 years and I have been able to vote since 2001 which is a little more than 10 years ago and never have I seen so much hatred and political violence since Donald Trump has decided to run for office of the president of the United States. All of the White Nationalists, Neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan groups have found their savior in Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump gave a voice for the millions of Racists and Far-Right groups wanted and now hate has become open and the mainstream today than over before not since the 1960s has there been a resurgence of hatred towards people of different opinions and demonizing and dehumanizing others just because they don't agree with one another this is not what America is about and America is leaning more and more everyday towards the Far-Right and if G-d forbids Trump becomes president we will have the Fourth Reich here in America that will make the Third Reich or Nazi Germany look like a pariah of today's North Korea. 

Millions of White Americans particularly feel that Whites are becoming a minority in America due low birth rates, increased immigration from non white countries and intermarriage with non-white people and with the economy that has become a bear market in the last 30 years and the consant de-industrialization of America's cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, St Louis etc in the Midwest have caused many people to turn to Donald Trump as their leader that will lead them out of poverty and to regain pride and their dignity back. 

Fascism is nothing new in America, but during times of economic downturns it becomes dominant especially in the working-class populations of whites in the conservative Midwest and South. Believing that their way of life is being threatened by the liberal establishment and the politicians that are sold out to the big bankers in Wall Street. So when Donald Trump appears and expresses what the people are feeling and thinking they quickly embrace him as one of their own that will save them from the pits of hell.

 Adolf Hitler came into power during a time when Germany was in economic ruins and it was devastated by the first world war and many Germans were suffering and they blamed their government the Weimer Republic and it swept Hitler into political power and many German ignored the abuses he was doing towards political opponents and looked the other way when minorities were being persecuted by the Third Reich why? Simply because Hitler had restored the economy and the ethnic and national pride of the German People, That's how many White Americans feel today, that their pride and their values are being trampled on by people that they see as parasites and undesirables and they want America where Whites reign supreme. 

White Supremacy or White Nationalism takes different forms not all groups are same and ideologically the same even though they are united by race and hatred towards Jews, African Americans, Hispanics and other Non-Whites, For example Jared Taylor the founder of American Resistance is unique because of the lack of Antisemitism from his views and his organization even though he welcomes known Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers and Antisemites. While David Duke who was a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan is very Antisemitic and critical of Jews and Israel and Tom Meztger the founder of WAR or "White Aryan Resistance" believes in forming a separate homeland for Aryan people in the Northwest of the United States and more extreme Far-Right leaders like Daniel William Johnson proposes a more extreme solution by mass deporting Non-Whites from the United States and placing Native Americans and Native Alaskans in reservations that was proposed by J.B. Stoner called The Pace Amendment. 

With the recent attack on David French, who is a Conservative and Retired Army Veteran by Trump Supporters the way they took a picture of his daughter who is adopted from Ethiopia and using racial slurs against his family and threatening physically his person and his family is appalling we are fast becoming a Fascist state with these types of political attacks and people condoning this type of behavior from hateful people that are intolerant and xenophobic. 

We need to stand up to these people and the American people cannot allow this man (Donald Trump)to become president because if he does there will be a dark day in America that there was and never will be again. 

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