Kurdistan: A Stateless People and Struggling To Find Their Identity.
Like in Catalonia, Kurdistan held its own referendum in Iraq and voted to become independent from Iraq and become their own nation, like Catalonia Kurdistan has historically been part of Iraq since Iraq's founding as a nation in 1922. Under Saddam Hussein the Kurds were kept under control from succeeding from Iraq and Kurds have been known to commit acts of Terrorism in Iraq and Turkey where the latter forms about 20% of the population.
The Kurds are a Indo-European people their language and culture is different from Arabic and they practice a very tolerant form of Islam and have been fighting for their own homeland for many decades. With the fall of Saddam Hussein Kurdish Nationalism has been on the rise not just in Iraq but in Turkey as well where the PKK or The Kurdistan's Workers Party has been labeled by Turkey and the United States and the European Union as a Terrorist Organization.
There should be a comprise with the Kurds but there shouldn't be a independent Kurdish State in the Middle East because it will add to more instability in a already unstable part of the world. I understand one wanting to maintain their culture and identity but there other ways of doing it not through violence and terrorism it doesn't resolve anything but makes matters worse.
The Kurds in my opinion are ill equipped and don't have a strong centralized government in order to have a functioning infrastructure and they need to first work with autonomy first within Iraq and Turkey in order to have more autonomy over their internal affairs.
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